The Valiant Characters

Name: Otto von Podenstahl
Class: Fighter, ex-Thief
Level: 5 (6)
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Unknown
Owner of the Lake Lynx Trading Company.
A knight of Unbrau cursed by a pike awnshegh into the monstrous form of a half cat, half fish. His eyes shine and enthrall. Now you will know why you fear the night! A clever yet foolish man who seeks adventure mostly as a means to escape from his duties. Those include regency in the area of money management, presiding over a broken family, and actually somehow confronting his many mistakes commited throughout the story thus far.

Name: Wilhelm Staal
Class: Magician
Level: 5
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
The Fox of Rheulgard, part-time supreme leader of Rheulgard's armies, superintendant of Lake Lynx trading company and an awnshegh constantly tormented by his mind. When not busy doing Otto's administrative work or adventuring, Wilhelm can be found in his atelier, spending time with his lovely wife. A loyal follower of Otto, often accompanying him on all his (mis)adventures. An erudite man, interested in magic and old folklore, Wilhelm's chase after artifacts and knowledge often puts him in dangerous situations.

Name: Erika von Podenstahl
Class: Guilder
Level: 3
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
Otto's daughter, who actually runs the Lake Lynx for the most part. An artist, a craftsman, and occassionaly an art collector. She never dreamed of regency, until Otto fell under the curse of Azrai's blood, remembered that she exists, and dumped all the responsibilites into her lap. Somewhat workaholic. Makes strange jokes. Though Otto claims her mother wasn't blooded, her bloodline is no weaker than his. She theoretizes that her mother had been some kind of a bloodline hound who seduces scions in pubs, and then either sells their child to them a year later, or bloodthefts it. Maried to Tasha, after his burns have been taking care of for some time.

Name: Safana al-Irbouda
Class: Fighter
Level: 4
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
Despite looking human, she is an Awnshegh-spawn, one of the daughters of the Sphinx. She has been married to Otto after he was captured in the siege of Unbraustadt, with a knife under his throat. She was meant to be a tool of her father to keep tabs on Rheulgard, but the Sphinx commited a fatal mistake – he has let his daughter read far too much romantic fiction. The pair somehow fell in love, and she is her own person. After departing on a long journey to the temple of Rilni in the far south, she came back purified, but this will only last as long as she cares to remain human.
Name: Tairdo
Class: Shadow Mage
Level: 9
Region: Daikhar Ziguin
Status: Dead
Name: Akhil
Class: Fighter
Level: 12
Region: Daikhar Ziguin
Status: Dead
Name: Grunhilda (Formerly Sokol Drzic)
Class: Ranger (post-reincarnation)
Level: 4
Region: Stachelinsel
Status: Alive
Passions; Falconry, Walking in the forests, Archery, Maiming and Killing Goblins, Decoupage, Pearl and Ivory Jewelry
Name: Vitamir Marta
Class: Thief/Fighter
Level: 5/5
Region: Burning Forest/Duarlavka
Status: Alive

Name: Mecal Gwynn
Class: Mage
Level: 3
Region: Rzhlev
Status: Dead
Name: Richard Toffen
Class: Thief
Level: 4
Region: Wierech
Status: Dead
Name: Cheugh
Class: Fighter
Level: 5
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
The son of Morla the ogress, taken as a squire by Wilhelm. A kind and lively lad eight feet of height, who occassionaly surprises with uncanny insight into the world of humans. Since Wilhelm can't actually teach him much, he spends most of his time with Bernart, resulting in him accepting Kirche as his god. Cheugh is very much still growing. His mother fed him stories of knights and adventure, making him a rather outstanding individual, but he is very pessimistic about bringing true change in his race on wider scale.
Name: Bernart
Class: Paladin
Level: 6
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
A paladin of Kirche's Tundarr. A truly earnest and pure man, if a little brash, as his god likes his knights to be. He has been sent into Rheulgard to keep an eye on Otto, and study the progress of the Bloodform. He would later end up dueling Otto for an entirely different and convoluted reason outside of his control, being posessed by an awnshegh-slaying sword, had his arm cut off, and later restored by Wilhelm. The three would become partners in justice, because crime would not work out with him around. In the tunnels under Deikar-Zighun, he has found a holy sword, and ate a dragon's heart, gaining some draconic traits. Cuirceaén loves a dragonslayer!
Name: Tasha
Class: Priest
Level: 3
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
The less famous brother of Misha, of Ayairda's Cleansing Flame, who neverhteless also managed to score a regent wife. In Rzhlev, he has been captured by the followers of Belinik and nearly immolated, only being saved by Otto at the last second. Due to this, he bears severe facial burns, but makes it up with good rhetoric and a good sense of waxing words. As he recuperated in the Lake Lynx's lodgings, being brouth along from the end of the adventure, he has been smitten by their finer work, and decided to bring some of Laerme's teachings into Erika's endeavors.

Name: Abdul al-Abadi
Class: Wizard
Level: 6
Region: Tarva
Status: Alive
A wizard-consort to the sultana of Tarva. Unlike most Tarvans, managed to make it past 25. Looks twice his age

Name: Salim al-Rigel al-Malik al-Weketoj
Class: Mage
Level: 3
Region: Zedforst
Status: Dead
Slain by the Sphinx in late Senhir 1519
Name: Konrad
Class: Fighter
Level: 5
Region: Rheulgard / The Lamia
Status: Unknown

Name: King Gundehar Kluggman
Class: Ranger
Level: 6
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
The fair Ranger, King of Rheulgard, a rough and tumble man of the wood. Firm on his action, and always up for a good fight. Likes hunting monsters. When acting incognito, he goes by the alias of AxeSparrow.
Name: Sir Felix Frygg
Class: Noble Warrior
Level: 1
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Dead
Pig pig pig, pig in a wig. Pig in a wig will eat a fig. Fig is fruit, fruit is good. Pig eats fruit just like it should!
Name: Sylluin Iarstina
Class: cleric
Level: 2
Region: Rzhlev
Status: Dead

Name: Baron Erhart Bodeker
Class: Fighter, Ex-Bard
Level: 6/7
Region: Grabentod
Status: Alive
A Bard fresh out of College swept up into a shadow war against ancient evils because he got the high priestess of Ela pregnant. The odd couple has inexplicably managed to be a constant thorn in the side of the Shadow. Erhart is now an Erhsegh, a 9' tall Storm Griffon with many powers, but has lost his wife and his strongest knight in battle leaving the tasks ahead more daunting than ever.

Name: Rhulad Red-Robes
Class: Priest
Level: 6
Region: Rheulgard
Status: Alive
With eyes of flame and burnished skin, he rules Unbraustadt with the iron fist of law. The glimmering Crimson Spire casts a long shadow over Unbrau, but the law-abiding can walk freely, while the law-breakers see what lies in the bowels of that brass citadel. Once old, now young, Rhulad fights the Shadow to purge its taint from the land and ensure that only those who walk in the light of the Sun will remain in the new world.
Name: Ottilia Bodecker
Class: Priest/Wench multiclass
Level: 1/6
Region: Grabentod
Status: Dead
Ottilia Bodeker is a regent, if you can call the rat in your grain a farmer. I once saw her take a butter knife out off somebody's cupboard and stick it into her pocket. She married a bard, because she has no appreciation for useful things. She is a half Brecht, half elf, which just means she is fat and insufferable. She worships the goddess of the dark because she fears the truth. She descends from the ancient nobility of Grabentod, which means she was basically born a loser. She literally can not stop going to the Shadow World like it's Hot Topic, despite everybody in there hating her. There was one time Ottilia got her leg frozen off and had it replaced with one made of solid silver, causing her to bang and dong every time she tried to be sneaky - she is that stupid. She had to hire a nurse for her kids because she cannot handle responsibility. I ran into some chicks from Ela's Midnight Shadow and they preferred being called the Hag's servants rather than admitting Ottilia is their boss. Maybe they just assumed I called Ottilia a hag. Because she totally is.
Name: Esfir Volkova
Class: Warrior/Priest
Level: 5/5
Region: Rhzlev
Status: Alive
Originally the high priest of the church of Belinik in Rzhlev. She felt the church was too much about cowardly backstabbing and not enough about murdering your enemies to their faces and decided to burn it all down and make a new church instead. Actually has greatly advanced Rzhlev's infrastructure, education and economy despite mostly just wanting to fight monsters and constantly being off in the countryside. Doesn't actually hate the Shadow but has repeatedly foiled its schemes and killed its agents for no other reason than it fucked around with Rzhlev and is now in the process of finding out.
To learn the alignment of the characters listed above, see this handy chart